
Logistics is an important part of the Supply Chain. The management of logistics and supply chain is a complex process of planning and management of services, goods from the origin to the point of consumption. Logistics is defined as the process of managing movement of goods in and out of an organization. Supply Chain is defined as the process of managing movement and coordination of goods in between multiple organizations. Together Logistics and Supply Chain includes planning the transport, warehousing, inventory and sales an example of logistics could be the military stockpiling ammo whereas an example of Supply Chain management is making sure the right amount of goods reaches the destination, supplying more could lead to increased storage costs and supplying less could lead to inefficiencies. So, the main objective of Logistics is customer satisfaction and the main objective of Supply Chain is to have a competitive advantage by being more efficient. This project aims to have both customer satisfaction and efficiency and will achieved by implementing Internet of Things and Machine Learning to Logistics and Supply Chain. Large Corporations invest a lot of money to improve supply chains. This paper aims to help small businesses and rural businesses to improve their Supply Chain. This project aims at providing customer satisfaction and efficiency. Implementation using IoT and machine learning provides better efficiency. Keywords— Smart Logistics, Smart Supply Chain, Industry 4.0, Internet of Things, Machine Learning.

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