
The Now a day internet plays a very major role in business processes. The internet acts as the kind of the bonding between the customers and an organization (probably business), the customer can obtain the information of his desire by making the single click on organization's website. But, the major infrastructure to carry out this process demands the design, maintenance, hosting of website from the organization side, and it also demands the access to the internet from the customer side (in order to access the internet customer must have to have either personnel computer or any smart phone), but unfortunately we cannot find all the customers with above all mentioned requirements. Therefore, this paper focuses on the issue of building the portable smart data server for small scale business applications. This proposed concept in this paper eliminates the need of internet, hosting, website maintenance, and costly hardware from organization side. And it also eliminates the need of personnel computer, or internet enabled smart mobile phone from customer side. Thus the concept proposed in this paper provides the economic, efficient, smart data server for smart shops. To implement this proposed concept the cost involved will be too less, the only requirement is one smart mobile phone (here we used android mobile phone). The prototype has been demonstrated using the android smart mobile phone; this can further be extended to any available smart mobile phones in market.

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