
This article discusses the ways of creating a «smart city», as well as the positive and negative aspects of the impact of the introduction of smart city technologies on the realization of the human potential of the city of Moscow. In order to create a «smart city», it is necessary to follow the standards for its creation: human orientation, adaptability of urban infrastructure, improving the quality of urban resource management, comfortable and safe environment, emphasis on economic efficiency, including the service component of the urban environment. As a result, both possible prospects for the use of digital and «smart» technologies of the urban environment for the development of a person in career and personal aspects, as well as factors constraining this development associated with the digitalization of many economic processes were identified. As positive aspects of the influence of smart cities, trends such as the growth of individualism and the customization of the habitat in which a person lives, the expansion of the range of opportunities for independent action and self?development, etc. are highlighted. At the same time, the negative impact of the technologization of life in a smart city is also described. Also, the introduction of «smart technologies» is influenced by government programs. The conclusion is made about the discrepancy between the influence of a smart city on a person and the indisputability of its positive impact on the self–realization of residents. By leveraging technology to collect and analyze data, optimize energy consumption, and reduce waste and pollution, cities can meet the needs of their citizens while protecting the planet for future generations.

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