
With the rise of data-driven technology and the growing demand for sustainable urban development, the idea of smart cities has attracted a lot of attention recently. This study provides a comprehensive analysis of smart cities within the big data framework, emphasizing issues, problems, and reference models. The report starts off by outlining the essential elements of a smart city, focusing on how different data sources should be integrated and how data analytics is crucial for making well-informed decisions. It then explores the examination of current reference models, stressing their advantages and disadvantages in handling the intricacy of smart city infrastructures. The study also addresses the difficulties of using big data technology in urban settings, including concerns about data security, privacy, and governance. It also lists important factors to take into account when implementing big data projects in smart cities, stressing the need of stakeholder involvement, scalable infrastructure, and the creation of strong legal frameworks. Overall, this paper gives a thorough review of how big data will affect urban living in the future and offers insights into the key issues that must be resolved in order to realize the full potential of smart cities.

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