
One of the major challenges for the widespread acceptance of battery electric vehicles (BEVs) is the availability of charging infrastructure at home and the link to the distribution grid. The charging process design needs to minimise the impact on the power grids, thus avoiding the cost and environmental impact of grid expansion. Especially, in urban, densely populated areas, efficient, intelligent charging solutions are a chance to prevent uncontrolled charging of a high number of vehicles and an amplification of existing load peaks. This study is based on the results of a project called URCHARGE (URban CHARGing), in which the largest field test to date in Austria investigated how to control the charging processes of BEVs in residential buildings. The core objective of this research is to investigate sustainable, future-proof charging infrastructure for residential buildings and to analyse and minimise the impact on the power grid towards almost 100% e-mobility in private passenger car transport. The dynamic charging control greatly reduces the power capacity required for BEV charging, successfully shifts the charging times and thus avoids grid peaks. Users hardly noticed these load shifts, and overall there was great satisfaction with the charging process.

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