
Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are the nanotechnology's utmost distinctive inventions. Over the past two decades, many scientists around the globe have investigated CNTs carefully because of their excellent prospective in distinct areas. CNTs are sp2 hybridized rolled graphene sheets. The significant characteristics for CNTs seems to be their smaller size and perhaps a high aspect ratio, lightweight, excellent conductive properties, and excellent tensile strength, making them suitable as additives in various products such as ceramics, metal substrates, and various polymers. Their distinctive surface area, rigidity, strength, and resilience have given rise to a lot of enthusiasm in the pharmaceutical field for a variety of reasons. These characteristics can be altered by varying the chirality, diameter, length of CNTs and wall nature. Application of CNTs includes various disciplines like nanotechnology, transistors, nanomedicine, biosensors, bioimaging, actuators, and condensers. CNTs could be classified into various types based the numbers of graphene sheets layered i.e. either single layered, multi layered or double layered as well as also as nanotubes based on chirality. There are different methods which may possibly get employed has been highlighted. They have distinctive properties which have been investigated comprehensively. This review focuses on CNT's synthesis, functionalization, characteristics, pharmacokinetics, toxicity, bio-safety and applications.

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