
Traffic Jam is one of the regular problems of Dhaka city. Traffic jam prevents our business from growing and progressing. When we go to office or school, we can face traffic jams. So we need more time to reach our destination and eventually we lose our valuable time to reach the desired destination. It is a great problem for students to attend their classes which is an adverse treatment for students. As a result of traffic jams, we are not able to complete our work at the right time as our trade is affected. If we want to go anywhere in the city, we spend half the time on the road because of the traffic jam. The environment is severely damaged because the vehicles collectively together cause noise and air pollution. There are many reasons for creating jam in the city. Illegal parking traffic is considered to be one of the main reasons for traffic jams. Cars, trucks and other vehicles are parked inside and outside the street. But we can reduce this unexpected traffic jam and take prevention from traffic jam dynamically by using a “Smart Parking System”. By using this system no illegal parking will take place on the road. A smart parking system helps to search empty parking spaces easily and mostly decreasing the amount of the vehicle on road and help to make our road free. An application will say the possible nearby official parking zone and the price of that parking, the total parking receptivity and the existing car on that selected parking space. If the contiguous parking is reserved then the application will let you know the second nearest and the third nearest parking and so on. One can book his or her suitable parking for his or her car by this application easily. Finally, we are motivated to design and develop “Smart Parking System” so that parking problem so to say traffic jam problem in our beloved Dhaka city can easily be minimized.

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