
Nowadays, the Internet of Things (IoT) leads to efficient resource utilization and fosters the development of university campuses. The smart connected devices (things) help create smart campuses, which promises to transform into green campuses and achieve sustainable development. Therefore, designers will have to overcome significant implementation challenges to reach thousands or millions of devices to integrate the IoT on the university campus. Among these challenges, reliability has been identified as one of the critical issues for efficient IoT because unreliable sensing, processing, or transmission can cause false monitoring data reports, long delays, and even data loss, leading to vulnerabilities across smart campus applications. Unlike manufacturing or design faults, the worse behaviour of the unreliable smart campus, for example, transient faults that occur in IoT devices (also known as soft errors), do not happen consistently. External events, such as energetic particles striking the chip, cause these intermittent faults. These events do not result in permanent physical damage to IoT devices, but they can change signal transfers or stored values, resulting in incorrect smart campus application execution. This paper serves as a resource for smart campus reliability using the Internet of Things to understand smart campus sustainable development better.

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