
As statistics says 95% of road accidents are caused by human error. There are numerous cases where the driver dies due to a heart attack while driving and these cases have been increased every year due to people not acknowledging these facts and statistics. To protect the driver a project is introduced which consist of two modules, First being a health monitoring system consisting of a heart attack detection unit with an integrated GSM module for automatic emergency messaging and a drowsiness detection unit for ensuring that a driver is not driving while tired. Heart rate monitoring system is to look on the driver's heart rate and if in any unfortunate circumstances where the driver suffers a heart attack or where there is different variation in the driver's heart rate the vehicle will send an SMS through GSM to the nearest emergency unit to send an ambulance for the driver. Drowsiness Detection is to ensure the driver is not drowsy while driving, this is done by detecting if the driver is drowsy and then alert the driver using an alarm. This project aims to design a portable safety kit for the vehicles to protect and save the lives of drivers while driving and let them experience a smooth driving experience without any unfortunate incidents.

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