
Numerous people lose their lives in traffic accidents every day. In India, 4,80,652 traffic accidents resulted in a total of 1,51,113 fatalities in 2019. In terms of road accident deaths, India currently retains the top rank. Excessive speed was the primary cause of fatalities in road accidents. To save the lives of several injured accident victims, this is a serious problem that needs to be remedied. In order to address the ongoing challenges surrounding automobile accidents, various automobile companies have implemented a range of safety systems, including safety airbags, seat belts, camera sensors, and more. Despite these efforts, the root causes of accidents and their resulting effects have proven difficult to mitigate entirely. To tackle this persistent issue effectively, there is an urgent need for a comprehensive system that can automatically detect accidents as they occur. This system would play a crucial role in promptly communicating vital information about the accident and its precise location to both nearby hospitals and concerned relatives without any delays. When a car has an accident, the accelerometer immediately provides data to the Arduino, which then sends the alarm message through the GSM MODULE, including the location that is identified by the GPS MODULE, to recently saved crisis contacts.

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