
Palm oil is an edible vegetable oil that comes from the fruit of oil palm trees. The production of oil palm from its Fresh Fruit Punches (FFP) is commonly practice in the Santchou Sub-Divison west region of Cameroon. It is mostly done at a small scale by smallholders with at least 1-5 hectares of oil palm plantation. The productivity of oil palm depends on smallholders’ participation in certification and other livelihood strategy. The main objective of this study was to examine smallholders’ participation in oil palm certification and livelihood strategy in Santchou. This study was carried out using the case study approach which enable a field survey to be conducted in order to examine smallholders’ participation in certification and livelihood strategy. A total of 185 questionnaires were administered using a random sampling technique to three targeted communities within the Santchou subdivision. Ten interviews were conducted to complement the questionnaire in generating qualitative data for the study. Data collected was later analyse with the use of statistical data tool such as excel, software and spsss data tool and presented on maps, charts and tables. from the data collected, it was observed that very limited number of smallholder are fully involved in oil palm certification. A large number of smallholder oil palm production are engage in other sources of livelihood as livelihood strategy for survival. It was recommended that due to the enormous benefits of certification for the purpose of high productivity, authorities should make certification a reality amongst smallholders.

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