
Plantation farming is an economic activities with high risks and uncertainties (income fluctuations between production cycles or even between years is quite high) therefore the motives of farmers for diversification are often more oriented towards stabilizing income than maximizing income. Production diversification is one of the effective adaptation methods to reduce the risk of production due to climate change and is conducive to supporting the development of local resource-based processing industries. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the model of plantation diversification in Pauh Sub Distric, Padang city. The method of the study is qualitative method. The respondents are the plantation smallholder who are diversifying their farm in Pauh sub-Distric. The study found that, there are four models of diversification in Pauh District; Plantation crop with horticultural crops diversification, Plantation crop with food crop diversification, Plantation crop with livestock diversification, and Combination. The level of diversity in Pauh is between 0.2 to 0.4. The lowest level of diversity is 0,237, while the highest level is 0,434.

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