
The properties of two-component Fermi gases become universal if the interspecies $s$-wave scattering length ${a}_{s}$ and the average interparticle spacing are much larger than the range of the underlying two-body potential. Using an explicitly correlated Gaussian basis set expansion approach, we determine the eigenenergies of two-component Fermi gases in a cubic box with periodic boundary conditions as functions of the interspecies $s$-wave scattering length and the effective range of the two-body potential. The universal properties of systems consisting of up to four particles are determined by extrapolating the finite-range energies to the zero-range limit. We determine the eigenenergies of states with vanishing and finite momenta. In the weakly attractive BCS regime, we analyze the energy spectra and degeneracies using first-order degenerate perturbation theory. Excellent agreement between the perturbative energy shifts and the numerically determined energies is obtained. For the infinitely large scattering length case, we compare our results---where available---with those presented in the literature.

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