
CRT-RSA is a variant of RSA, which uses integers d p = d mod (p - 1) and d q = d mod (q - 1) (CRT-exponents), where d, p, q are the secret keys of RSA. May proposed a method to obtain the secret key in polynomial time if a CRT-exponent is small, moreover Bleichenbacher and May improved this method. On the other hand, Takagi's RSA is a variant of CRT-RSA, whose public key N is of the form p r q for a given positive integer r. In this paper, we extend the May's method and the Bleichenbacher-May's method to Takagi's RSA, and we show that we obtain p in polynomial time if p < N 3/(4+2 √r(r+3)) by the extended May's method, and if p < N 6/(5r+√13r√2+48r) by the extended Bleichenbacher-May's method, when d q is arbitrary small. If r = 1, these upper bounds conform to May's and Bleichenbacher-May's results respectively. Moreover, we also show that the upper bound of p r increase with an increase in r. Since these attacks are heuristic algorithms, we provide several experiments which show that we can obtain the secret key in practice.

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