
Very few excavated sequences in southern South America provide an approximation to the environmental evolution covering the segment Late Pleistocene-Holocene. Here we present the taphonomic analysis and paleoenvironmental reconstruction based on the small mammal remains retrieved from the archaeological and paleontological site Gruta del Indio (Mendoza Province, Argentina). Radiocarbon dates situate the small mammal deposits studied within the Late Pleistocene and Holocene. Thus, these assemblages provide a record for inferring environmental evolution in the middle basin of Atuel River during the last ∼31 ky BP. Taphonomic analysis revealed that most of small mammal remains were incorporated by a little destructive nocturnal owl. Recorded species include mainly cricetid and caviomorph rodents and a single marsupial. While Pleistocene assemblages have not exclusive species, the specific richness increases towards the Holocene probably linked with the climatic variability related to ENSO. In overall, the recorded small mammals suggest environmental stability during the Late Pleistocene-Holocene, mostly associated with Monte Desert conditions. Conversely, the pollen sequence studied from Gruta del Indio was interpreted as indicator of a deep environmental change during the Pleistocene-Holocene transition, when the Patagonian steppe was replaced by Monte Desert. Potential biases linked with these kinds of proxies are discussed.

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