
453 Ecology of the urban environment is a rapidly developing field of modern biology [1]. In Russia, the majority of population lives in cities with an increasing housing density. The gardens in cities play an impor tant role, although they are not natural habitats; the gardens improve the environmental situation and mit igate the impact of technocenosis (dust, chemical pol lution, noise, etc.) [2]. In the countryside, gardens play a utilitarian economic role; in cities, their role is much broader. Gardens in cities are not only places for growing fruit and ornamental plants; they are also monuments of landscape architecture, which serve for recreation of the citizens [2]. The “monastery” gar dens of Moscow have been known since the 14th cen tury; in the 16th century, the “monarch’s” gardens, including “pharmacy” gardens, appeared. Beginning from the 19th century, the so called “entertainment” gardens appeared and gained a great fame. In general, 15 gardens covering about 1500 ha have been officially registered by 1995 in Moscow [3]. In addition, the gar dens near apartment houses; cultural, educational, recreational, and other facilities were also created.

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