
The Crimean region is unique in the abundance of Palaeolithic sites, particularly numerous in mountain parts of the peninsula. Most are attributed to the Middle Palaeolithic. During recent decades, the sites have been investigated by the Ukrainian archeologists V.P. Chabai, A.I. Yevtushenko, Yu.E. Demidenko, A.P. Veselsky, and others. Integrated studies performed by a large group of specialists included assessment of the geological and geomorphological setting of every site, and analysis of paleontological remains recovered from cultural layers (large and small mammals, birds, molluscs, as well as pollen and spores). Cultural layers of the sites have been dated using various methods ( 14C, TL, ESR). Studies have included several thousand small mammal bone remains recovered from seven multi-layered Palaeolithic sites in the Crimea, providing the basis for reconstructions of environments at different stages of human habitation. The oldest finds of small mammals are attributed to the last interglacial, and the youngest to the Denekamp (Bryansk) interstadial. More than 20 species of small mammals have been identified, which permitted recognition of specific features of faunal assemblages differing in age. The faunas display a certain stability of species composition over a period of almost 100,000 years. No species typical of cold environments have been found, and the faunas are dominated by open landscape dwellers. Forest and near water species are present in small quantities. Some mammals identified in the sites do not occur in the Crimea at present. On the other hand, a number of species inhabiting the Crimea today have not been found in the fossil assemblages. On the whole, the Mountain Crimea was a refugium for mammals, and possibly also for other organisms, during the last glaciation. Due to its southern position, the Crimea retained rather comfortable environmental and climate conditions throughout the Late Pleistocene. Similarly, the environments were undoubtedly hospitable for humans.

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