
Brood parasites often must overcome host defenses that may include behaviors that serve other functions, such as deterrence of predators and nest attendance during laying and incubation. Host use by brood parasites may also be influenced by competitors in areas where more than one parasitic species occurs. We identified the degree to which behavior of potential hosts and potential competitors affected laying by Brown-headed Cowbirds (Molothrus ater) and Bronzed Cowbirds (M. aeneus) at a site in south Texas where they co-occur. We watched potential host nests during the presunrise period to record cowbird laying and document nest visitation, laying, cowbird-host encounters, and nest attentiveness by hosts. Hosts were frequently at their nests when cowbirds laid eggs (83% of 121 watches among nests of five host species) and cowbirds regularly encountered hosts (43-74% and 40-77% of watches per species of host for Brown-headed and Bronzed cowbirds, respectively). Host nest defense infrequently interfered with cowbird laying and cowbirds rarely interacted with one another during laying. Overall, 12% of the 42 cowbird laying attempts that elicited host nest defense failed, resulting in cowbird eggs either laid atop hosts as they sat in nests or laid outside the nest cup. We clearly documented that relatively small hosts can thwart parasitism by cowbirds. Thus, the potential for successful defense of nests should be considered when assessing the evolution of behaviors to deter the removal of host eggs by cowbirds and mechanisms leading to nest abandonment. Regarding the latter, the presence of a cowbird at a nest would be a poor indicator for parasitism as some laying attempts were thwarted and unparasitized broods were reared at those nests. Despite the potential for nest defense to affect host use by cowbirds, we did not detect an effect of nest defense. Because most host defense was ineffective, we examined hypotheses for the timing of cowbird laying and host nest attendance. Our analysis of time of day of laying by Brown-headed Cowbirds at our site and data compiled from the literature suggests that laying time is best predicted by the time of civil twilight (first light) rather than sunrise.

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