
We present small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) studies of the superconducting vortices inBa(Fe0.93Co0.07)2As2. A highly disordered vortex configuration is observed up to the highest measured field of3 T. The field dependence of the magnitude of the SANS scattering vector indicates smallvortex lattice domains of rhombic symmetry or a vortex glass with short-rangehexagonal order. The disordering is attributed to strong single-vortex pinning. This issupported by an analysis of the radial width of the intensity distribution, whichindicates a correlation length of a few vortex spacings. Measurements of the scatteredintensity are found to decrease with increasing magnetic field, consistent withtheoretical models and in reasonable agreement with estimates of the upper criticalfield. The temperature dependence is found to follow the BCS s-wave prediction.

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