
We have demonstrated that SlyA activates fimB expression and hence type 1 fimbriation, a virulence factor in Escherichia coli. SlyA is shown to bind to two operator sites (OSA1 and OSA2), situated between 194 and 167 base pairs upstream of the fimB transcriptional start site. fimB expression is derepressed in an hns mutant and diminished by a slyA mutation in the presence of H-NS only. H-NS binds to multiple sites in the promoter region, including two sites (H-NS2 and H-NS3) that overlap OSA1 and OSA2, respectively. Mutations that disrupt either OSA1 or OSA2 eliminate or reduce the activating effect of SlyA but have different effects on the level of expression. We interpret these results as reflecting the relative competition between SlyA and H-NS binding. Moreover we show that SlyA is capable of displacing H-NS from its binding sites in vitro. We suggest SlyA binding prevents H-NS binding to H-NS2 and H-NS3 and the subsequent oligomerization of H-NS necessary for full inhibition of fimB expression. In addition, we show that SlyA activates fimB expression independently of two other known regulators of fimB expression, NanR and NagC. It is demonstrated that the rarely used UUG initiation codon limits slyA expression and that low SlyA levels limit fimB expression. Furthermore, Western blot analysis shows that cells grown in rich-defined medium contain ∼1000 SlyA dimers per cell whereas those grown in minimal medium contain >20% more SlyA. This study extends our understanding of the role that SlyA plays in the host-bacterial relationship.


  • Bacterial-host attachment is a key step in colonization and pathogenesis

  • We have demonstrated that SlyA activates fimB expression and type 1 fimbriation, a virulence factor in Escherichia coli

  • The type 1 fimbrial adhesin of Escherichia coli is produced by the majority of non-pathogenic as well as pathogenic strains of the bacterium, it has been implicated as a virulence factor in urinary tract and other infections [1,2,3,4]

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Bacterial Strains, Plasmids, Media, and Growth Conditions— Descriptions and genotypes of bacterial strains are listed as supplemental material [strains-pdf]. Mutant fim regulatory alleles used in this study, including scanningreplacement mutations in which adjacent segments of the fimB promoter were replaced by 14 –15 bp of heterologous DNA, were cloned into derivatives of the temperature-sensitive vector pMAK705 [32], and allelic exchange was used to transfer the mutations into the chromosome at fim using sacB and sucrose counter-selection as described previously [33]. For Western blot analysis, E. coli strains were grown in rich defined or minimal media with rapid aeration to reach an A600 of 0.2. Each DNA fragment was incubated at a final concentration of 11 nM with varying concentrations of SlyA or H-NS for 10 min, before addition of 2 ␮l of loading buffer (40% sucrose, 35 mM Tris, pH 8.0). The size marker is pBR322 DNA digested with MspI (New England Biolabs) and labeled with [␥-32P]ATP and polynucleotide kinase

Wild type slyA
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