
Traditional vacuum preloading method has two drainage parts: 1) horizontal drainage part-sand cushion; 2) vertical drainage part-(Prefabricated vertical drain (PVD) and so on). During vacuum preloading process, the drainage effect of horizontal sand cushion is strong near stabilized soil surface and decreases rapidly at deeper position, while drainage range of vertical drain includes whole stabilized soil depth and its drainage ability is higher. So, it is important to improve the drainage design of vacuum preloading system to transmit vacuum head to vertical drain more efficiently. This paper presents a new vacuum preloading method-direct drainage vacuum preloading method (DDVP method). Compared with traditional vacuum preloading method, this system cancels horizontal drainage part-sand cushion and uses sealed pipe to directly connect with PVDs. Vacuum head can be transmitted into PVD without attenuation. Field test is applied to study the effect of slurry improvement of this method.

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