
The third beamline for macromolecular crystallography at the superbend magnet X06DA of the Swiss Light Source (SLS) was designed for maximum efficiency and a high degree of automation to serve the needs of both academic and industrial users. An integral part of the automation concept is the crystallization facility built adjacent to the X06DA experimental minihutch. This unique configuration allows users to request and evaluate crystallization experiments using nanodispensing robots and automated imaging systems. Moreover, the beamline integration of the platform enables users to test initial crystallization hits for their diffraction behavior in situ, i.e. in the crystallization container, in an automated manner. This new process layout designed at the SLS gives scientists a rapid feedback on important crystal parameters such as diffraction limit, anisotropy, cell parameters, or mosaicity, and thus, it aids prioritization of subsequent optimization steps, which can also be accomplished at the facility. Here we present the design of the SLS crystallization platform with its integrated in situ X-ray diffraction screening (isXds) at beamline X06DA. A user case covering crystallization rescreening and in situ X-ray diffraction experiments to obtain new crystal forms with improved resolution is described.

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