
Aim. To compare effectiveness of metformin monotherapy (Mf) and combination of metformin with slow release melatonine (MfM) from the perspective of correction of anthropometric, hemodynamical parameters, premature vascular ageing and somnological status in patients with metabolic syndrome (MS). Material and methods. An open label prospective comparative study conducted, in 3 parallel groups: 238 MS patients (IDF, 2005) having, at the moment of prescreening, sleep disorders (less than 19 points in Questionnaire of self sleep evaluation), were randomized to 3 groups. During 12 weeks all patients underwent life style correction that included regimen of meal intake, normalization of “sleepwakefulness” rhythm, physical activity. In addition to this, first group patients (n=80) received Mf, and second (n=78) — combination MfM (Circadin 2 mg). Controls (n=80) were patients without pharmaceutical interventions. Groups were comparable by the baseline clinical and demographic characteristics. Sleep quality, anthropometric and metabolic parameters, adipocytokine level and vascular elasticity parameters were assessed at baseline and in 12 weeks after treatment. Results. The results of the study performed have proved the feasibility of melatonine slow release addition to standard MS therapy in circadian disorders (CD). MfM no only normalizes the rhythm “sleep-wakefulness”, but also retards vascular ageing, has positive profile of cardiovasular and metabolic effects, acting on insulin resistance as trigger of MS development. Serious adverse events were not marked during the study. Conclusion. Combination therapy by MfM is more effective than monotherapy by Mf in correction of body overweight, carbohydrate and lipid metabolism disorders in MS with CD.


  • Combination therapy by metformin with slow release melatonine (MfM) is more effective than monotherapy by Mf in correction of body overweight, carbohydrate and lipid metabolism disorders in metabolic syndrome (MS) with circadian disorders (CD)

  • Wade AG, Ford I, Crawford G, McMahon AD, Nir T, Laudon M, et al Efficacy of prolonged release melatonin in insomnia patients aged 55-80 years: quality of sleep and next-day alertness outcomes

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М.н., ассистент кафедры терапии и эндокринологии ФУВ, Саласюк А. М.н., ассистент кафедры терапии и эндокринологии ФУВ, Хрипаева В. Ю. — аспирант кафедры терапии и эндокринологии ФУВ, Палашкин Р. В. — аспирант кафедры терапии и эндокринологии ФУВ, Недогода С. АГ — артериальная гипертензия, МС — метаболический синдром, Мф — метформин, МтПр — мелатонин пролонгированного высвобождения, СД 2 — сахарный диабет 2 типа, ЦН — циркадные (циркадианные) нарушения, ИМТ — индекс массы тела, ОТ — окружность талии, ОБ — окружность бедер, АД — артериальное давление, САД — систолическое АД, ДАД — диастолическое АД, вчСРБ — высокочувствительный С-реактивный белок, СВ — сосудистый возраст, ГПН — глюкоза плазмы натощак, ОХ — общий холестерин, ЛПНП — липопротеиды низкой плотности, ЛПВП — липопротеиды высокой плотности, ТГ — триглицериды, СТГ — соматотропный гормон, ПЗВД — поток-зависимая вазодилатация, СПВ — скорость пульсовой волны, ИФР-1 — инсулиноподобный фактор роста 1, ФК — функциональный класс, ЭКГ — электрокардиография, ПД — пульсовое давление, ЧСС — частота сердечных сокращений.

Контрольная группа
Динамика биохимических показателей крови при различных вариантах лечения
Динамика маркеров ожирения при различных вариантах лечения
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