
A basic result in the elementary theory of continued fractions says that two real numbers share the same tail in their continued fraction expansions iff they belong to the same orbit under the projective action of PGL2Z. This result was first formulated in Serret's Cours d'algèbre supérieure, so we'll refer to it as to the Serret theorem.Notwithstanding the abundance of continued fraction algorithms in the literature, a uniform treatment of the Serret result seems missing. In this paper we show that there are finitely many possibilities for the groups Σ≤PGL2Z generated by the branches of the Gauss maps in a large family of algorithms, and that each Σ-equivalence class of reals is partitioned in finitely many tail-equivalence classes, whose number we bound. Our approach is through the finite-state transducers that relate Gauss maps to each other. They constitute opfibrations of the Schreier graphs of the groups, and their synchronizability—which may or may not hold—assures the a.e. validity of the Serret theorem.

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