
Slow and fast modulation instability and envelope soliton of ion-acoustic wave (IAW) are studied in an electron–ion–positron plasma when the ions are warm and have constant stream velocity, positrons are isothermal and electrons are superthermal. The non-linear Schrodinger (NLS) equation has been derived using the Fried and Ichikawa method and the solution of envelope soliton is obtained. It is seen that IAW propagates with two modes (slow and fast) in the presence of an ion stream in the plasma which results in slow and fast modulation instability of the wave. The stability criteria for slow mode (SM) and fast mode (FM) of the wave are established and studied graphically for different values of the ion temperature, positron density, positron temperature and kappa factor of electrons. The bright envelope soliton and dark envelope soliton of SM and FMs of the wave in electron–ion–positron plasma are also studied. The solution of rogue waves (RWs) is obtained from the NLS equation and the nature of RWs of the SM and FM of the wave is discussed graphically. Our results are new and no author has reported this kind of results of slow and fast modulation instability of IAW till now.

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