
In early 1999, a news article in the prestigious journal Nature led off with the announcement, "€œAn experiment with atoms at nanokelvin temperatures has produced the remarkable observation of light pulses traveling at velocities of only 17 m/s."€ The review continued with the understatement, "Observation of light pulses propagating at a speed no faster than a swiftly moving bicycle...comes as a surprise."€ These findings (and their review) marked the beginning of the current wave of interest in the field that has come to be called "€œslow light.â€" When we refer to "the speed of light," we typically mean c, the phase velocity of light in a vacuum, or the speed of propagation of the phase fronts of monochromatic light. The phase fronts travel more slowly through a material, propagating at the speed c/n, where n is the index of refraction of the medium. However, this ordinary slowing of the phase velocity is not slow light. "€œSlow light"€ and "€œfast light"€ refer to changes in the group velocity of light in a medium. A pulse of light can be decomposed mathematically into a group of monochromatic waves at slightly different frequencies, as in Fig. 19.1. In a dispersive material, these monochromatic waves travel at different speeds. When one views the propagation of the pulse as a whole, its apparent velocity depends on the extent of the spread of individual monochromatic-wave velocities. Each monochromatic wave travels at its own phase velocity, while the pulse travels at the group velocity. Of course, the group velocity of a pulse of light is not a new concept. The field of slow and fast light has drawn on theory and developments from the work of Sommerfeld and Brillouin from 1907 to 1914, experiments with early laser amplifiers in 1966, and other work done through the end of the 20th century. (For more of the history behind slow and fast light, see Refs. 8 and 9.)

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