
The flood control is one of the priority goal for successful economic activity on the areas that are periodically suffer from floods. Such areas are the mountainous regions of the Ukrainian Carpathian Mountains. Floods on the mountain rivers are repeated several times each year, and are characterized by the sudden water level rise with almost the same rapid decrease of the water level. Active flood protection measures include dry mountain flood control reservoirs, the principle of which is to transform part of the flood runoff and to accumulate water for the short time in the the artificial reservoir, with followed rapid emptying to the minimum level. The complex hydraulic regime is formed in the body of the dam which forms the flood control reservoir during the flood, that is different from the operation of the water permanent reservoir. The design of the flood control structures is car-ried out in accordance with Ukrainian building codes for the construction of the water reservoirs with constant water level, and require testing the stability of the downstream slope for the maximum water levels under steady state seepage conditions and assessment the upstream slope stability during the water level decreasing from the maximum level calculated in the steady state condition, these calculations do not correspond to the real seepage processes in the body of the dam of the dry flood control reservoir. Therefore, the purpose of this work is to determine the necessary boundary conditions of the flood control reservoir operation and upstream slope stability assessment by the limit equilibrium method. In the article the operation of the dry mountain flood control reservoir was analysed and found that the dam was characterized by two states: dry reservoir with water minimum water level and variable position of the seepage curve in the core and the upstream prism during the flood. The main factors influencing the upstream slope stability are the physical and mechanical properties of the soil, the laying of the slope, the period of time when the high-water level is maintained and the intensity of water level dropping. The upstream slope stability was evaluated by the Morgenstern & Price and Ordinary methods on the Slope/w software package. After the first 25 hours of the flood (period of high-water levels and the next water level dropping) the Safety Factor evaluated by limit equilibrium methods began to decrease, and reached the minimum value during the greatest seepage curve gradients at the time between 45 and 50 hours. Slope stability calculations by the limit equilibrium method were compared with the results of calculations performed by the SRM method, the values ​​of the Safety Factor and the way of their change during the flood evaluated by Ordinary and SRM methods almost coincide, which indicates the reliability of the results obtained by different methods of slope stability analysis



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ОЦІНКА СТІЙКОСТІ ВЕРХОВОГО УКОСУ СУХОЇ ГІРСЬКОЇ ЄМНОСТІ ПРИ РІЗЬКИХ ЗМІНАХ РІВНЯ ВОДИ ПІД ЧАС ПАВОДКУ Проектування протипаводкових ґрунтових споруд здійснюється згідно нормативних документів, які розроблені для будівництва водосховищ з постійним напором води, та вимагають перевірки стійкості низового укосу для максимальних рівнів води в стаціонарних умовах та перевірки стійкості верхового укосу при пониженні рівня води від високого стаціонарного положення, що не відповідає реальним фільтраційним процесам в тілі греблі сухої ємності. В роботі проведений аналіз роботи сухої гірської ємності та встановлено, що характерними для роботи греблі є два стани: суха ємність з рівнем води в межений період та змінне положення кривої фільтрації в ядрі та верховій призмі під час проходження паводку.

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