
In traditional slope stability analyses, soil is usually approximated as isotropic. However, naturally cohesive soil deposits are inherently anisotropic, primarily due to the directional arrangement of soil particles during their deposition process. In this paper, a generalized anisotropic constitutive model for c–φ soil is introduced to evaluate the influence of varying shear strength on slope stability. In this model, the initial strength anisotropy is defined by the variety of friction angles to the direction of the principle stress. This model is utilized by two approaches to estimate the slope stability. Firstly, the upper bound limit analysis solution for slope stability is developed, and the safety factor of the slopes is studied. Secondly, this model is coupled with the finite element method to get insight of the influence of anisotropy on slope stability. One typical slope case of slope is studied by numerical analyses. It is found that the slope stability is largely overestimated when the strength anisotropy is ignored, and the overestimation, in terms of safety factors, can reach up to 32.9%. The complex interrelations between the degree of anisotropy and evolution of the ensuing safety factor are revealed by a series of parametric studies in terms of different degrees of anisotropy.

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