
The term of ahlak has two meaning in Turkish language. The first meaning is ethic or morality which refers to accepted ethical rules and principles in a society. The second meaning is ethics which refers to philosophical search for what is good or what is bad. The term of business ethics includes work ethic and professional ethic. Main principle of Islâm is unity of God (tawhid). This principle has also effects on business life. It should be noted that Prophet Muhammad was dealing with trade and business in his early life. There are four other principles in Islamic business ethics: balance, free will, responsibility and charity. Equivalent of trade guilds of the West in Ottoman society is Ahilik Brotherhood. This brotherhood was established as a guild of traders and merchants by Horasan Yesevi Dervishes during the Turkification of Anatolia in the 11th Century. Ahilik Brotherhoods affected Turkish business life in ethics, education, science, quality, standards, consumer relations, and control of production. Muslim societies experienced an economic decline starting from 16th century. This economic decline encouraged fatalism instead of individualism. Attitudes toward wealth, money and time in Islam is not so different from Catholic and Protestant societies. Perhaps attitudes to usury is the only difference. Wealth is not considered as an undesired situation in Islam because of the Islamic maxim of “giving is better than getting.”. Ibn Khaldun studied about civilization process of human societies especially of civilization of nomadic Arab tribes. Military and bureaucratic organization was explained by the improvement of sword owners (Salafiyya) and pen owners (Kalamiyya) classes. Trade and craft activities was not omitted in Ibn Khaldun’s writings. He discusses in detailed relationship between civilization and ethical decline. He believes that city life and civilization degenerates personal virtues and ethical standards. We can find his thoughts about business ethics in the second volume of Al-Mukaddima’s section of Muhtasib and Coins discussion. The term of ahlak has two meaning in Turkish language. The first meaning is ethic or morality which refers to accepted ethical rules and principles in a society. The second meaning is ethics which refers to philosophical search for what is good or what is bad. The term of business ethics includes work ethic and professional ethic. Main principle of Islâm is unity of God (tawhid). This principle has also effects on business life. It should be noted that Prophet Muhammad was dealing with trade and business in his early life. There are four other principles in Islamic business ethics: balance, free will, responsibility and charity. Equivalent of trade guilds of the West in Ottoman society is Ahilik Brotherhood. This brotherhood was established as a guild of traders and merchants by Horasan Yesevi Dervishes during the Turkification of Anatolia in the 11th Century. Ahilik Brotherhoods affected Turkish business life in ethics, education, science, quality, standards, consumer relations, and control of production. Muslim societies experienced an economic decline starting from 16th century. This economic decline encouraged fatalism instead of individualism. Attitudes toward wealth, money and time in Islam is not so different from Catholic and Protestant societies. Perhaps attitudes to usury is the only difference. Wealth is not considered as an undesired situation in Islam because of the Islamic maxim of “giving is better than getting.”. Ibn Khaldun studied about civilization process of human societies especially of civilization of nomadic Arab tribes. Military and bureaucratic organization was explained by the improvement of sword owners (Salafiyya) and pen owners (Kalamiyya) classes. Trade and craft activities was not omitted in Ibn Khaldun’s writings. He discusses in detailed relationship between civilization and ethical decline. He believes that city life and civilization degenerates personal virtues and ethical standards. We can find his thoughts about business ethics in the second volume of Al-Mukaddima’s section of Muhtasib and Coins discussion.


  • The term of ahlak has two meaning in Turkish language

  • Bir sistemi ahlaki perspektiften değerlendirmede kullanılabilecek ilk kıstas belki de insana verdiği değer, önem ve rolde uzanmaktadır

  • 1980 İslâm’da Ahlak, (Ethics in İslâm), Remzi Kitabevi, İstanbul Şeker, M, 1993, İbn Batuta’ya Göre Anadolu’nun Sosyal-Kültürel ve İktisadi Hayatı ile Ahîlik, Kültür Bakanlığı, Ankara,

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İslâm İş Ahlakının Osmanlı-Türk Kültüründeki Temeli

Mesleklerin toplum hayatındaki etkinliği Orta Çağlarda dinî temele dayanan köklü bir meslek ahlakının gelişmesine yol açmıştır. Sanayi devriminden sonra lonca sistemi hem Avrupa’da hem de Osmanlı’da yıkılmış ve bunun bir sonucu olarak meslek ahlakında da bir çözülme yaşanmış, yüzyıllar boyu geçerli olan değerler sistemi bozulmaya başlamıştır. Türk ve İslâm dünyasında iş ve meslek ahlakına ilişkin ilk örgüt fütüvvet teşkilatıdır. Ahî örgütü inisyatik bir gizli kardeşlik örgütü olarak doğmuş sonradan meslek loncalarını da içine alan bir yapıya bürünmüş olabilir. Ahî Birlikleri devlet otoritesinin dışında kurulup gelişen günümüzde kamu görevi kabul edilen birçok fonksiyonu gönüllü olarak kendi toplum anlayışına uygun ifa eden organizasyonlardı (Ekinci, 2001), (Çağatay, 1990). Moğollar’dan kaçanların karşılaştıkları zorluklar bu insanların yardımlaşma, dayanışma, iş ve güç birliği etme gibi özellikleri Ahî organizasyonuna taşımalarına neden olmuş, örgüt bir güç birliği kurumu halini almıştır (Ocak, 1996). Geçimini temin edecek bir meslek veya sanatı olmayanlar ve yardım etmeyen, yardımlaşmayan, başkasına yük olan ve başkasının sırtından geçinenler Ahî olamaz ve Ahîliğe girmiş ve ustalık şedi bağlamış olsalar bile ahlaksızlık, ayyaşlık, iftira ve hıyanette bulunanlar Ahîlikten çıkarılır ve ustalığı düşerdi ve durum ve isimleri bir hafta içinde bütün Ahî Teşkilatlarına duyurulurdu (Çalışkan, ve Y; İkiz, 1993)

Ahî Evran’da İş ve Meslek Ahlakı Yaklaşımları
Ahîlikde İş ve Meslek Ahlakı Değerleri
İslâm’da Sıkı Çalışma ve Dinlenme
İslâm’da Bireycilik ve Toplumculuk
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