
We present an experimental and simulation study of high charge state ion beams produced with a permanent magnet electron cyclotron resonance ion source (ECRIS) with minimum-B quadrupole magnetic field topology and slit extraction system. The unconventional topology generates fan-shaped plasma flux, favouring a rectangular aperture for beam extraction. We demonstrate successful low-energy transport of the slit beam, achieving up to 25 times higher beam currents compared to a round extraction aperture. Maximum beam intensities are 1.5 and 15 μA for argon 11+ and 9+, respectively. The results indicate microwave power-limited beam production. Emittance values are comparable to traditional ECRIS. Unlike in conventional ECRIS, the emittance increases monotonically with increasing charge state due to slit extraction, magnetic topology, and beam transport characteristics. The experimental transport efficiency for helium ranges from 32% to 50%, depending on the total beam current. The losses primarily occur due to the dipole magnet’s insufficient vertical aperture.

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