
At least 15 human diseases have been associated with the length-dependent expansion of gene-specific (CTG)·(CAG) repeats, including myotonic dystrophy (DM1) and spinocerebellar ataxia type 1 (SCA1). Repeat expansion is likely to involve unusual DNA structures. We have structurally characterized such DNA, with (CTG)n·(CAG)n repeats of varying length (n=17–79), by high-resolution gel electrophoresis, and have probed their surfaces with anti-DNA antibodies of known specificities. We prepared homoduplex S-DNAs, which are (CTG)x·(CAG)y where x=y, and heteroduplex SI-DNAs, which are hybrids where x>y or x<y. S-DNAs formed many different species of slipped isomers, as indicated by its multiple electrophoretic species. In contrast, SI-DNAs formed distinct structures, as indicated by the limited electrophoretic species for all possible repeat length pairings. Sister SI-DNAs with an excess of CAG repeats always migrated slower than their sister SI-DNAs with an excess of CTG repeats. Strikingly, both the propensity to form slipped structures and the pattern of S-DNAs, but not SI-DNAs, varied for similar lengths of CTG/CAG repeats between the DM1 and SCA1 loci, highlighting a role for flanking cis-elements in S-DNA but not SI-DNA formation. Slipped structures bound structure and nucleotide-specific anti-DNA antibodies. Binding of anti-B-DNA antibodies was reduced for both S-DNAs and SI-DNAs relative to their linear forms. SI-DNAs bound anti-Z-DNA antibodies, while both S and SI-DNAs bound anti-cruciform antibodies, revealing shared characteristics between the corresponding DNA structures and slipped DNAs. Such features of the repeats may be recognized by cellular proteins known to bind such structures.

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