
We describe Chisel, a tool that synthesizes a program slicer directly from a given algebraic specification of a programming language operational semantics \(\mathcal {S}\). \(\mathcal {S}\) is assumed to be a rewriting logic specification, given in Maude, while the program is a ground term of this specification. Chisel takes \(\mathcal {S}\) and synthesizes language constructs, i.e., instructions, that produce features relevant for slicing, e.g., data dependency. We implement syntheses adjusted to each feature as model checking properties over an abstract representation of \(\mathcal {S}\). The syntheses results are used by a traditional interprocedural slicing algorithm that we parameterize by the synthesized language features. We present the tool on two language paradigms: high-level, imperative and low-level, assembly languages. Computing program slices for these languages allows for extracting traceability properties in standard compilation chains and makes our tool fitting for the validation of embedded system designs. Chisel’s slicing benchmark evaluation is based on benchmarks used in avionics.

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