
Logic Programs with Annotated Disjunctions (LPADs) allow to express probabilistic information in logic programming. The semantics of an LPAD is given in terms of the well-founded models of the normal logic programs obtained by selecting one disjunct from each ground LPAD clause. Inference on LPADs can be performed using either the system Ailog2, that was developed for the Independent Choice Logic, or SLDNFAD, an algorithm based on SLDNF. However, both of these algorithms run the risk of going into infinite loops and of performing redundant computations. In order to avoid these problems, we present SLGAD resolution that computes the (conditional) probability of a ground query from a range-restricted LPAD and is based on SLG resolution for normal logic programs. As SLG, it uses tabling to avoid some infinite loops and to avoid redundant computations. The performances of SLGAD are evaluated on classical benchmarks for normal logic programs under the well-founded semantics, namely a 2-person game and the ancestor relation, and on games of dice. SLGAD is compared with Ailog2 and SLDNFAD on the problems in which they do not go into infinite loops, namely those that are described by a modularly acyclic program. The results show that SLGAD is sometimes slower than Ailog2 and SLDNFAD but, if the program requires the repeated computations of the same goals, as for the dice games, then SLGAD is faster than both.

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