
Keys for the application of the church order This article deals with the application of a Scriptural church or- der, but more specifically with the approach of the church order rather than the method of application thereof. Already in the approach of the church order the difference between the appli- cation of the church order and the administration of the laws of the state becomes visible. In the application of the church order, the matter should not be about trespasses against the church order as such – as is the case in trespasses against the laws and statutes of the state. Transgression of the church order should only be considered as a transgression when it concerns a transgression of the Scriptures, while a transgression of a law of the state should be considered as a transgression in itself. In order to apply the church order in this fashion, the Hebrew “gokmah” (wisdom) and the Roman “aequitas” (fairness) should be considered in the “aedificatio” (edification) of the congre- gation.


  • Hierdie artikel handel oor die toepassing van ’n Skriftuurlike kerkorde, maar dan as ’n benaderingswyse eerder as ’n metode

  • This article deals with the application of a Scriptural church order, but with the approach of the church order rather than the method of application thereof

  • In the application of the church order, the matter should not be about trespasses against the church order as such – as is the case in trespasses against the laws and statutes of the state

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Inleidend: kernvrae en agtergrond

Die dat van ’n Skrifgefundeerde kerkorde is in die vorige twee artikels gestel (Smit, 2008a; 2008b). Hoe moet die kerkorde benader en in konkrete situasies en omstandighede van kerkregering toegepas word sonder dat daarvan ’n wet gemaak word en sodat sy normatiewe kerklike karakter terselfdertyd behoue bly? Hoe moet ’n kerkregtelike toepassing van die kerkorde plaasvind wat kennelik van die staatsregtelike toepassing van wette verskil?. Die agtergrond van hierdie kernvrae lê opgesluit in die dat van ’n Skrifgefundeerde kerkorde. Die kerkorde wys van homself af weg: deur toepassing van die kerkorde word gehoorsaamheid aan die Woord van God in kerkregering moontlik. Die toepassing van die kerkorde word bepaal deur faktore soos geloof, bekering, berou, sowel as omstandighede en motiewe. Teen hierdie agtergrond word in hierdie artikel nie gehandel met die hoe van die toepassing van die kerkorde as ’n metode nie, maar eerder as ’n benaderingswyse

Toepassing van die kerkorde teenoor die toepassing van ’n wet
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