
High-precision analyses are presented for the production of scalar sleptons, selectrons and smuons in supersymmetric theories, at future e + e- and e-e- linear colliders. Threshold production can be exploited for measurements of the selectron and smuon masses, an essential ingredient for the reconstruction of the fundamental supersymmetric theory at high scales. The production of selectrons in the continuum will allow us to determine the Yukawa couplings in the selectron sector, scrutinizing the identity of the Yukawa and gauge couplings, which is a basic consequence of supersymmetry. The theoretical predictions are elaborated at the one-loop level in the continuum, while at threshold non-zero width effects and Sommerfeld rescattering corrections are included. The phenomenological analyses are performed for e + e- and e-e- linear colliders with energy up to about 1 TeV and with high integrated luminosity up to 1 ab-1 to cover the individual slepton channels separately with high precision.

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