
Sleeve gastrectomy (SG) has been used for the surgical treatment of morbid obesity, as a first step or as a definitive treatment. The objective of this pilot study was to establish an animal model for SG in Wistar rats. 12 male Wistar rats were operated on. 8 of them underwent a SG, with a hand-sewn invaginating suture, and 4 underwent a laparotomy and stomach manipulation (control group). Sterilized materials, prophylactic antibiotics and nutritional supplementation were used. The animals' weight was checked on the operation day and on a weekly basis, for 7 weeks. The experimental SG model was possible due to careful procedures in the pre- and postoperative period. The average weight loss in the sleeve gastrectomy group was 49.6 g (43 to 60 g) until the 4th week, whereas in the control group average weight loss was 15 g (10 to 25 g) but the weight loss was achieved in the 1st week. After the 7th week, there was weight gain in both groups. However, in the SG group, this gain was significantly lower than in the control group. It has been possible to obtain a SG experimental model. The effects of this SG appear to be beneficial in weight loss. Biochemical and molecular mechanisms may also be investigated based on this model.

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