
To identify genes important for colorectal cancer (CRC) development and metastasis, we established a new metastatic mouse organoid model using Sleeping Beauty (SB) transposon mutagenesis. Intestinal organoids derived from mice carrying actively mobilizing SB transposons, an activating KrasG12D, and an inactivating ApcΔ716 allele, were transplanted to immunodeficient mice. While 66.7% of mice developed primary tumors, 7.6% also developed metastatic tumors. Analysis of SB insertion sites in tumors identified numerous candidate cancer genes (CCGs) identified previously in intestinal SB screens performed in vivo, in addition to new CCGs, such as Slit2 and Atxn1. Metastatic tumors from the same mouse were clonally related to each other and to primary tumors, as evidenced by the transposon insertion site. To provide functional validation, we knocked out Slit2, Atxn1, and Cdkn2a in mouse tumor organoids and transplanted to mice. Tumor development was promoted when these gene were knocked out, demonstrating that these are potent tumor suppressors. Cdkn2a knockout cells also metastasized to the liver in 100% of the mice, demonstrating that Cdkn2a loss confers metastatic ability. Our organoid model thus provides a new approach that can be used to understand the evolutionary forces driving CRC metastasis and a rich resource to uncover CCGs promoting CRC.

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