
Objective Sleep restfulness is closely associated with mortality. Thus, it is an important sleep-related symptom in the general population. However, it is rarely evaluated in patients with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) syndrome. The present study examined the importance of sleep restfulness in patients with OSA receiving continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy. Materials and Methods We administered sleep-related questionnaires, which included items such as subjective sleep duration and sleep restfulness, to 775 patients with OSA receiving CPAP therapy. Sleep restfulness was rated using a 5-point Likert-type scale, with the score of 5 indicating restfulness. Good adherence to CPAP therapy was defined as the use of CPAP therapy for at least 4 h per night in 70% of nights. Results We excluded 105 patients with lacking data. Thus, 670 patients were finally examined. In total, 29 (4.3%), 124 (18.5%), 139 (20.8%), 235 (35.1%), and 143 (14.3%) patients answered restless (1), somewhat restless (2), neither (3), somewhat restful (4), and restful (5) respectively. A total of 467 (69.7%) patients had good adherence to CPAP therapy. Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that sleep restfulness was independently and positively associated with subjective sleep duration (≥ 7 hours) and good adherence to CPAP therapy. Conclusion Sleep restfulness was associated with subjective sleep duration and good adherence to CPAP therapy in patients with OSA. Favorable outcomes are significantly correlated with good adherence to CPAP therapy. Thus, sleep restfulness can be an indicator of a subtype that has favorable outcomes in patients after CPAP therapy.

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