
Sleep problems are common in children and adolescents with ADHD. This chapter covers the basics of sleep and the prevalence and types of sleep problems experienced by children and adolescents with ADHD. The impacts of sleep problems on the day-to-day lives of children with ADHD and their families are covered including impacts on child daily functioning and cognition, as well as family well-being. There is no one cause of sleep problems in children with ADHD with both biological and environmental factors implicated. There are a small number of randomized controlled trials that support the efficacy of treating sleep problems in children with ADHD using behavioral strategies. A small number of studies also have found improvements in sleep onset delay in children with ADHD following treatment with melatonin. Little is known about how to best support adolescents and adults with ADHD with sleep, although a small emerging literature largely in adults with ADHD suggests that bright light therapies could potentially be helpful given the extent of circadian involvement in the sleep problems experienced by individuals with ADHD. This chapter ends with consideration of future research directions largely related to approaches to supporting individuals with ADHD and sleepdifficulties.

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