
Objective: To report sleep dysfunction and polysomnographic data in patients with Postural tachycardia syndrome (POTS). Background Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) is a disorder of orthostatic intolerance of unknown etiology, characterized by excessive tachycardia. POTS can be quite debilitating with significant limitations to activities of daily living. Fatigue, daytime sleepiness and insomnia are common symptoms reported by patients with POTS. Design/Methods: 41 patients with POTS (29 female, 12 male; age 30 ±12.9 years) and 19 controls were studied by standard polysomnography and autonomic function testing. Both groups were matched for gender and age. Results: Autonomic function tests were consistent with the diagnosis of POTS. Examination was normal except orthostatic tachycardia. Daytime sleepiness was reported to be present daily by 40% of the POTS patients, at least once weekly by 22%, and at least once per month by 20%. 18% of the patients had difficulty falling to sleep and 28% reported difficulties in maintaining sleep during the night. Polysomnographic examination revealed a significantly reduced sleep efficiency (84% vs. 88%; p Conclusions: Insomnia, daytime sleepiness and disturbances of sleep structure are common in POTS. Nocturnal transient tachycardia and autonomic arousals may contribute to sleep dysfunction in POTS. Sleep physicians should be aware of sleep disturbances associated with this form of orthostatic intolerance. Disclosure: Dr. Haensch has nothing to disclose. Dr. Mallien has nothing to disclose. Dr. Isenmann has nothing to disclose.

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