
The effects of sleep state and postnatal maturation on steady-state CO2 sensitivity, "inspiratory drive" (VT/TI), and the inspiratory "duty cycle" (TI/Ttot) were examined in nine unanesthetized premature Macaca nemestrina in the first 3 wk of life. Minute volume (VE) in room air was less in NREM sleep than in the awake state but there were no differences in VE, VT/TI, or TI/Ttot between REM and NREM sleep. VE and VT/TI corrected for body weight increased in REM and NREM sleep with postnatal maturation whereas TI/Ttot did not vary. Concomitant with this increase in room air VE and VT/TI, an increase in CO2 sensitivity (delta V/delta Paco2) with postnatal maturation was documented in NREM sleep. CO2 sensitivity was similar between REM and NREM states at each postnatal age. The increase in VE following inhalation of 2-5% CO2 was mediated by an increase in VT/TI, whereas TI/Ttot remained constant. The differences in the effect of sleep on CO2 sensitivity between neonates and adults are discussed and possible mechanisms for the observed developmental increase in CO2 sensitivity are proposed.

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