
Two groups of subjects (total N = 6) were studied in an isolation chamber for a period of 3 weeks whilst living on a 22.8 hr "day". Regular samples of urine were taken when the subjects were awake, deep body temperature was recorded continuously and polygraphic EEG recordings were made of alternate sleeps. The excretion in the urine of potassium, sodium, phosphate, calcium and a metabolite of melatonin were estimated. Measurements of the quantity and quality of sleep were made together with assessments of the temperature profiles associated with sleep. In addition, cosinor analysis of circadian rhythmicity in urinary variables and temperature was performed. The 22.8 hr "days" affected variables and subjects differently. These differences were interpreted as indicating that the endogenous component of half the subjects adjusted to the 22.8 hr "days" but that, for the other three, adjustment did not occur. When the behaviour of different variables was considered then some (including urinary potassium and melatonin, sleep length and REM sleep) appeared to possess a larger endogenous component than others (for example, urinary sodium, phosphate and calcium), with rectal temperature behaving in an intermediate manner. In addition, a comparison between different rhythms in any subject enabled inferences to be drawn regarding any links (or lack of them) that might exist between the rhythms. In this respect also, there was a considerable range in the results and no links between any of the rhythms appeared to exist in the group of subjects as a whole. Two further groups (total N = 8) were treated similarly except that the chamber clock ran at the correct rate. In these subjects, circadian rhythms of urinary excretion and deep body temperature (sleep stages and urinary melatonin were not measured) gave no evidence for deterioration. We conclude, therefore, that the results on the 22.8 hr "day" were directly due to the abnormal "day" length rather than to a prolonged stay in the isolation chamber.

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