
The folder Skyrmions_Spin_Textures_Raw_Data contains the following subfolders:1) Original Data Sets - TomographyIn this folder there are the original sets of data acquired with the tomography technique (see paper for details on the technique). The subfolders Figs.1(a-d),Figs.1(e-h) and Figs.1(i-l) contain respectively the linear, diagonal and circular polarization components.2) Paper_FigsIn this folder there are the raw data of all the figures used in the paper. The figure are not scaled (see “Spin_Textures_Scaling_Notes.docx” for details on the scaling). We have performed a bilinear interpolation on Figs.1 and Figs.S3(a,b) to improve their quality (i.e., reduce the pixelation).The bilinear interpolation does not modify the Stokes values of the image, which are the ones that have been measured (see “Spin_Textures_Scaling_Notes.docx” for information about the Interpolation procedure).3) Paper_Figs_No_InterpolatedIn this folder there are the raw data of Fig.1 of the paper, as calculated with the tomography program, i.e., no bilinear interpolation has been performed on these data (i.e., pixelated data).

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