
Magnetic skyrmions exhibit unique, technologically relevant pseudo-particle behaviors which arise from their topological protection, including well-defined, 3D dynamic modes that occur at microwave frequencies. During dynamic excitation, spin waves are ejected into the interstitial regions between skyrmions, creatingthe magnetic equivalent of a turbulentsea. However, since the spin waves in these systems have a well-defined length scale, and the skyrmions are on an ordered lattice, ordered structures from spin-wave interference can precipitate from the chaos. This work uses small-angle neutron scattering (SANS)to capture the dynamics in hybrid skyrmions and investigate the spin-wave structure. Performing simultaneous ferromagnetic resonance and SANS, the diffraction pattern shows a large increase in low-anglescattering intensity, which is present only in the resonancecondition. This scattering pattern is best fit using a mass fractal model, which suggests the spin waves form a long-range fractal network. The fractal structure is constructed of fundamental units with a size that encodes the spin-wave emissions and are constrained by the skyrmion lattice. These results offer critical insights into the nanoscale dynamics of skyrmions, identify a new dynamic spin-wave fractal structure, and demonstrate SANS as a unique tool to probe high-speed dynamics.

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