
Drought stress is a major problem in tomato cultivation activities in Southeast Sulawesi. That problems can be overcome by using tolerant plant varieties. This study aims to determine the effect stress treatment on several types of tomato plants. This research was conducted at the Field Experiment Laboratory II, Faculty of Agriculture, Halu Oleo University from May to September 2021. The research design used a factorial randomized block design. The first factor is drought stress (K) consisting of 3 levels of treatment, namely watering 100% KL (K0), 50% KL (K1) and 25% KL (K2). The second factor was the type of tomato plant which consisted of 6 levels, namely Muna cultivar (V1), Konsel cultivar (V2), Kolaka cultivar (V3), Kolut cultivar (V4), Rose variety (V5) and Teeth variety (V6). Observation variables consisted of plant height (cm), number of leaves (strands), root length (cm), root dry weight (g) and canopy dry weight (g). Observational data were analyzed by method of variance and tested with BNJ test with a 95% confidence level if F calculated is greater than F table. The interaction of drought stress treatment and tomato plant species had a significant effect on the all variables of plant.

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