
Skip-lot sampling plans (SkSP) have been widely used in the industry where the lots come serially from the continuous production process and submitted for inspection. These sampling plans can be applied on attribute data and variable data. The operational procedure of SkSP scheme is different from the single sampling plan. A lot from the production process is inspected, and numbers of non-conforming items are counted. The lot of product is accepted if the numbers of non-confirming items are smaller than the specified allowed number of failures. When the specified number of lots has been accepted, some lots are skipped and accepted without inspection. The investigation of SkSP sampling plans with references to single, double and repetitive sampling makes it more efficient to reduce cost, time and sample size than the traditional single and double sampling plans. In this chapter, a verity of SkSP sampling plans such as Skip-V plans, Skip-R plans, the design of Skip-V plans and Skip-R plans, the economic aspects of these sampling plans and SkSP sampling with references to some single and double sampling plans are discussed.

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