
An accurate diagnosis of aeroallergen sensitization is pivotal to clinical practice and research. Given the recent technological advances in analyzing serum allergen-specific IgE, the question of which testing method, skin or serum testing, is superior in diagnosing allergic sensitization must be readdressed, as well as their value in predicting clinical disease. This review article provides a detailed summary of recent studies addressing these questions. Conclusively, most studies show substantial discordance between serum-specific IgE and skin testing results, suggesting that the two testing methods compliment each other and cannot be used interchangeably. On average, using only one testing method may misdiagnose every fourth allergically sensitized patient as non-sensitized. In addition, depending on the allergen tested, skin prick testing and serum-specific IgE testing appear to be the methods of choice in predicting outcomes of experimental allergen challenge, while intradermal testing is less contributory.

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