
The objective of this study was assessing the Intradermal test (IDT) in the diagnosis of both cephalopinosis and rhinoestrosis. 6 males one-humped dromedary camels (Camelus dromedarius) admitted to camel hosting house of El-Basateen slaughter house, beside, 12 female Egyptian donkeys (Equus asinus) admitted to Giza zoo abattoir from Bani-suef were subjected to an intradermal injection of 0.5 ml of PBS PH (7.2) at one side of the neck and this served as negative control; on the other side of the neck each animal received 3 intradermal injections of 3 different protein concentrations (0.5mg/ml, 1mg/ml and 1.5 mg/ml) for each antigen (1st larval instars crude extract and salivary gland extract of Cephalopina titillator larvae, and, Excretory secretory product (ESP), Salivary gland extract, Mid-gut extract and Mixed crude extract of Rhinoestrus spp. larvae). The results of the IDT were determined through measuring the diameter of the resulting wheals using a scale bar and by detection of presence or absence of skin reactions. The swelling size in the skin was increased with increasing the concentration of the injected antigen. Most animals showed skin reactions after 30 min. The results signified the critical role of IDT in early diagnosis of cephalopinosis and rhinoestrosis

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