
The process of formation of initiative and entrepreneurial attitudes, of the ability to support sustainable development in students from the professional field Plant protection is realized both in the course of teaching various academic disciplines from the curriculum, and through a variety of extracurricular activities. The technology and methodology of this process includes the application of a competence approach in combination with interactive methods, which allows and ensures the achievement of the competencies set in the curricula as expected learning outcomes. The article discusses problem-solving tasks which require the use of interactive methods (case study, incident, the method of associations by means of mind maps), as well as other activities aimed at forming a skill to support sustainable development and entrepreneurship. In the training university students we invite business experts and use modern innovative ways of teaching which are in line with the standards applied in European education. The main goal based on the multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary approach is the education of highly qualified future employees, possessing skills and competencies for finding modern technological solutions, for successful planning, organization, implementation and management in the field of plant protection.

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