
The swift and extraordinary change in the world has left people with no surprise. Countries around the globe are working hard to maintain relevancy by reshaping themselves, and for doing so, they are adopting such policies that help them keep up with this ever-evolving change of the VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous) world. It is essential to consider the implications this has for the education system. This new age of information demands that the education system evolve accordingly and face severe disruption. Hence, the critical skills required by 21st-century students to thrive in the professional world must be identified. The education system needs to focus on inculcating these skills into the students effectively. Researchers have accredited that, engaging students in the learning and innovating process with the help of enhancing creative and critical thinking has become an integral part (Trilling & Fadel, 2009, p.50). This research aims to aid this process by identifying the top five (05) skills required by 21st-century students. To evaluate those five skills, this research has incorporated a diversified sample size, which has included professional students (Business Graduates, Engineers, Doctors, and others) and the affiliated faculty to these areas of study for achieving the set target. The findings of the study have summarised that for preparation for the 21st century, today's students need more than just education. They are keener to learn skills that can help cater to the requirement of the coming time. These high skills not only help them during their studies, but they will also become lifelong partners in their success both academically and professionally. In coming times, those who recognize high in-demand skills are meant to serve as a possible benchmark for our education systemto reconfigure its broader policy framework and delivery mechanism. Additionally, students can benefit from these skills to prioritize the required skill set to increase their employability. The study's finding indicates that it has become inevitable for the education system of Pakistan to reorient, reorganize, and restructure the overall education system to meet the needs and requirements of the 21st century needs and demands.

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